Bryanne Thomas

Centreville, NB Canada Fine Arts
?Bio Text Unknown?
Comments:My Plans for the FutureWhy I Picked UMPII've Developed as an ArtistPeople Are So WelcomingMy Parents Come to Gallery OpeningsIt is a Family-Oriented CommunityUMPI Is a Great Place to BeGet Involved with Clubs on CampusArt Club and National Honor SocietyStaying Active on CampusGreat Variety of SubjectsSmall Class Sizes Are GreatProfessors Are Helpful and KnowledgeableLiving in a Community of ArtistsProfessors Are There for YouSmall Town Feel with Plenty to DoTraveling to Europe with the Art DepartmentUMPI Is AffordableMy Favorite Place Is the Art RoomI've Progressed at UMPII'd Come to UMPI Again