Danielle and Brittany Humphrey

New Glouster, ME PE - Business Adminstration
?Bio Text Unknown?
Comments:Our Future PlansWhy We Chose UMPIThings to Do around TownBenefits of a Small SchoolCome to UMPI for the Academics and AthleticsLiving on Campus is Convenient and FunEvents in the Residence HallsTons of Clubs and ActivitiesSpring Ball Planning CommitteeStudent Athletic CommitteeWe've Enjoyed Playing SoftballShow Your School Pride with Blue CrewWide Variety of Courses to TakeProfessors Are Really HelpfulPhysical Education Program is Hands-OnAdvisors Help with ResumesGetting Prepared for Life After UMPIThings to Do Outside of SchoolAffordability Is ImportantGentile HallAdmissions Office and Wieden HallI'm Prepared for Job Searching