Andrew A. Robinson Bio

Dr. Andrew A. Robison, a Jacksonville native, began a career in education here that spanned four decades. He started as a local junior high science teacher and eventually became interim president of UNF in 1980.

He was the first principal of William Raines Senior High School and as a Duval Senior Administrator, he developed the in-service training program for faculty desegregation which is credited with the smooth operation of county schools during the turbulent period of school desegregation in the late 1960s.

In the 1970s, Robinson joined the UNF planning staff as assistant dean of the faculties and associate professor of education. He served as assistant dean and then dean of the College of Education and Human Services. He also served on numerous boards and commissions, most notably the Jacksonville Transportation Authority, the Jacksonville Community Relations Commission and the 1987 chairman of the Jacksonville Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta.

Robinson graduated with his undergraduate degree from Florida A&M University and his master’s and doctor of education degrees from Columbia University.