York Science Center
On March 22, 1996, the University dedicated a new addition. The York Science Center is a three story, 28,000 square foot steel structure with brick veneer designed with six biology and four chemistry laboratories. The facility also provides necessary office space, a lecture hall, Brindley Auditorium (seating capacity of 175), three classrooms and a functional transition area from the new facility to Wells Nursing and Science Hall. The two buildings are conjoined to provide nearly 56,000 square feet classroom and office space.
Inside this Building:Brindley Auditorium
Inside the Tour:Academic ExperienceCollege of SciencesFacultyHands-On LearningUMHB AcademicsLearn by DoingAcademic ExperienceCollege of SciencesFacultyHands-On LearningUMHB AcademicsLearn by Doing
Outside the Tour:College of Sciences